autoconfig Restores video and performance settings to default for the current hardware detected. safe It start the game in safe mode disable audio etc. game Enable Half-Life to play modification games other than to go through the menu to select them. zone # This allocates more memory to scripting files, like autoexec.cfg and so forth. console When launching Half-Life, this will take you straight to the console. port 27015 Changes your port # for the game. noip Some IP related command remove if unable to connect to servers. nojoy Remove joystick support, more ram free. gl This enables Open GL hardware rendering mode. d3d This enables Direct3D hardware rendering mode. soft This enables Software hardware rendering mode. refresh 100 Changes the Hertz for monitors HL2 Engine. freq 100 Changes the Hertz for monitors HL1 Engine. window Forces the engine to start in windowed mode. full Forces the engine to start in fullscreen mode. noaafonts Disables Anti-Aliasing of Screen Fonts.

noforcemparms Use desktop mouse buttons settings. noforcemspd Use desktop mouse speed settings. There's no catch! Play as much as you want, as long asyou like! The most highly-rated free game of all time! Oneof the most popular online action games of all time, TeamFortress 2 delivers constant free updates-new gamemodes, maps, equipment and, most importantly, hats.-noforcemaccel Use desktop mouse acceleration settings The biggest difference is that while the PC game will support up to 32 players on a server, the Xbox360 and PlayStation 3 games will only go up to 16.Still, Team Fortress 2 is easily one of the coolestmultiplayer games that we've played in a long time. Subsequently, one may also ask, can you play Team Fortress 2 on Xbox? To open console You need to press~ key on Your keyboard. Put - console launch option inthat window and press OK. Then click "Set launch options" buttonand small window will appear. How do you type in console in tf2? Find Team Fortress 2, press right mouse button onit and choose "Properties". Microsoft Windows PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Linux Macintosh operating systems Consequently, what platforms is Team Fortress 2 on?