It's located in the archive and is called "PT125.png". I've also included a Splash Screen image to further complete the theme. Updated March 23rd, 2017 to look even more like the Pro Tools interface.

Both the Splash PNG and the icons are located inside the archive in a folder called "Extras". Updated June 7th, 2017 so the Fader numbers on the MCP are in the correct places. You can find them as well as installation instructions at Also, I recommend the cursors provided by Shan to help with the effect. I still haven't learned to effectively make the theme work for smaller screens, although I am researching it. Updated October 18th, 2017 to tweak a few small things. Updated January 25th, 2018 to include the option to use a TCP Separator in the Track Panel, as seen in the screenshots. Updated June 6th, 2018 to allow TCP and MCP tinting based on track color and a few other small tweaks. I also completely rebuilt the mixer elements to make them quite a bit sharper. Updated August 14th, 2018 to include an option to choose a similar looking VCA layout in the mixer to emulate Pro Tools further. I also neglected to include the "Extras" folder in the previous upload. Updated August 20th, 2018 because I realized I accidentally removed the Repeat Button from the Transport Control, so I replaced it. Of course, you'll need the SWS Extensions and extract PT125.SWSColor from the archive to a folder beforehand. To pull up the custom colors, go to Track Color>SWS Track Color>Show Color Management, then select Load Color Set from File. Also, I included a Pro Tools Custom Color Set for SWS Track Colors. Originally, I had it as Pro Tools has it where only the Track Name background turned white, but I've noticed several people request a selection highlight. I also adjusted the selection highlight in the Mixer. Updated September 1st, 2018 to address the look of the Master (thanks to for bringing it to my attention). PLEASE NOTE: This theme was created on a desktop PC with a screen resolution of 1920x1080 and it's also recommended to at least have a dual-monitor configuration to be sure the elements sit in their proper places, although a single monitor at the above-mentioned resolution can work if setup similar to the screenshot below. A theme I created by modifying the Albert-C Pro X Tools theme and skinning it to look more like Pro Tools 12.5.